Covenant Love
John 13:34-35 |
July 1, 2012
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Communion Meditation) |
Cleaning Day
Matthew 21:14-17 |
April 1, 2012
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Six Benchmarks for Success
2 Kings 18:1-8 |
February 12, 2012
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Conquered by Christ
Psalm 45:5 |
September 18, 2011
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Communion Meditation) |
Yahweh Sabaoth
Isaiah 47:4 |
July 24, 2011
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Communion Meditation) |
Looking Forward to Communion
July 17, 2011
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Communion Meditation) |
Do Not Bar Yourself
Matthew 5:23-24 |
May 29, 2011
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Communion Meditation) |
The Ministry of the Risen Savior
April 24, 2011
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
The Humiliation of Jesus
September 19, 2010
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Communion Meditation) |
Faith to Praise Him in 2010
John 12:9-36 |
March 28, 2010
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Correcting Ten Mistakes on Time
Psalm 90:1-17 |
December 27, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Passion for Ministry
Matthew 9:36-38 |
December 6, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Comprehensive Claims of the Gospel
Romans 12:16 |
November 29, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Captivated by Thanks
2 Thessalonians 1:3 |
November 22, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Grace, Pure Grace
John 3:16 |
November 15, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
A Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Psalm 59:1-17 |
November 8, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Revivalism Vs. Reformation
1 Samuel 4:1-22 |
November 1, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Maid in Syria
October 4, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
When God Says "Wait"
John 11:1-22 |
September 27, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
When God Says "No"
2 Chronicles 12:7-10 |
September 20, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Growing in Faith
John 4:46-54 |
June 7, 2009
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Baptism and the Abrahamic Covenant
Genesis 17:9-14 |
August 10, 2008
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Ordination of Officers
Hebrews 13:7-9 |
August 3, 2008
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Humble People Are Meek, Not Weak
Philippians 2:5-11 |
July 13, 2008
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Roots of Sodom in Our Midst
Ezekiel 16:49-50 |
July 6, 2008
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Our Conquering King
March 23, 2008
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
New Road Signs
March 16, 2008
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Abortion and the Sin of Omission
Proverbs 24:10-12 |
January 20, 2008
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Hebrews 4:11-13 |
December 30, 2007
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Ministry - Don't Lose Heart
December 21, 2007
Unsorted Sermons |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |