We are a church committed to ministry through the family. The Great Commission is not only a call to evangelize a few individuals from every nation, but to disciple the nations themselves. We want to see our members so founded in God’s grace, so knowledgeable in God’s law, and so confident in His promises, that they are used of God to bring reformation to the church and reconstruction of our society.
Our Mission
Dominion Covenant Church is a church that is committed to advancing and enjoying the dominion of King Jesus over every area of life. Read more…
Our Method
The ministry was always seen as a family affair (1 Cor. 16:15). We believe that the family is the most fundamental unit of society, and that church and state must not erode the family’s integrity. Read more…
Our Ministries
We minister to the family by practicing family integrated public worship, by L’Abri style teaching, and other mercy ministries. Read more…
You can also view a sample worship program sheet at this page.