Song of Solomon (Song of Solomon 1:1-8:14)
Phillip Kayser, PhD, August 25, 2019Part of the Bible Survey series, preached at a Sermon service
Though marriage does indeed image the relationship of Christ to the Church, Song of Solomon primarily teaches us how the grace of Christ should transform our literal marriages and even our sexual life. Pastor Kayser takes the view that the book progresses chronologically from the first day of the wedding through seven days of royal wedding celebration, each night ending with sexual union. The eighth day is a visit to her family, with an open ended invitation that hints that the love cycle will continue indefinitely. He argues that this book strongly teaches monogamy, and describes Solomon's marriage to his first love, Naamah, to whom he was faithful from 7-13 years. Though there is forward time progression in the book, it does so beautifully through a thematically parallel chiastic structure.
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