
Divine Guidance for Understanding Revelation - Part 10 (Revelation 1:4b-6)

Phillip Kayser, PhD, August 2, 2015
Part of the Revelation series, preached at a Sermon service

This sermon covers hermeneutical principles 21-24. It shows how the principles of grace, peace, kingdom, God's power, and Christ's offices of prophet, priest, and king are woven tightly throughout the book of Revelation. The book begins with grace and peace being pronounced by Almighty God and the book ends with the pervasive results of that grace and peace. In between are chapters showing man's attempts to resist Christ's grace and peace. But as the last chapters will show, such resistance is futile. What God has pronounced will be achieved.

Tags: Aseity, curse, grace, King, kingdom, Peace, priest, prophet, shalom, sufficiency, Trinity

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« Divine Guidance for Understanding Revelation - Part 9