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Active filter: Preacher: Phillip Kayser, PhD (x) , Date: 2014 (x)
Book: 2 Samuel (23), 1 Kings (1), 1 Chronicles (1), 2 Chronicles (2), Psalm (5), Isaiah (2), Matthew (2), Luke (2), John (5), 1 Corinthians (1), 2 Corinthians (1), Galatians (1), Titus (1), James (1), 1 Peter (1), Jude (1).
Service: Sermon (42), Communion Meditation (8).
Date: January (4), February (3), March (6), April (4), May (6), June (5), July (4), August (4), September (3), October (3), November (4), December (4)

Sermons (50) — Filtered RSS feed

Born in the Fullness of Time Galatians 4:3-7 December 21, 2014
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Compromise in Medical Ethics 1 Kings 1:1-4 December 14, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Building a Family Legacy 1 Chronicles 22:1-19 December 7, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Regulative Principle of Worship 2 Chronicles 30:16 December 7, 2014
Individual Meditation
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Communion Meditation)
Oh that Men Would Thank Him! Psalm 107:1-43 November 30, 2014
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
The Lord's Table 2 Chronicles 30:1 November 16, 2014
Individual Meditation
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Communion Meditation)
The Risks of Love James 5:13-18 November 9, 2014
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Catholicity and the Reformation Jude 1:3-4 November 2, 2014
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Civics Transformed by the Gospel 2 Samuel 24:18-25 October 26, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Providential Judgments 2 Samuel 24:10-17 October 12, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
National Census: Good or Evil? 2 Samuel 24:1-9 October 5, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Characteristics of Leaders Worth Following 2 Samuel 23:8-39 September 28, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Minimum Requirements for Rulers 2 Samuel 23:1-7 September 14, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Kingdom Gifts 1 Peter 4:7-11 September 7, 2014
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
A Sabbath Perspective on the Work Week Psalm 92:1-15 August 31, 2014
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Modeling Mercy Ministries Matthew 20:29-34 August 24, 2014
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Soli Deo Gloria 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 August 17, 2014
Five Reformation Solas
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Solus Christus: Christ Our Sufficiency John 15:1-8 August 3, 2014
Five Reformation Solas
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Sola Fide: The Old Perspective According to Jesus Luke 18:9-14 July 27, 2014
Five Reformation Solas
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Sola Gratia: Living by Grace Titus 2:11-15 July 20, 2014
Five Reformation Solas
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Sola Scriptura: Living by Every Word Matthew 4:1-4 July 13, 2014
Five Reformation Solas
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
The Gospel According to Jesus 2 Samuel 22:1-51 July 6, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Don't be Discouraged John 16:5-11 June 29, 2014
Individual Meditation
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Communion Meditation)
Heroes and Giants 2 Samuel 21:15-22 June 15, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Burial 2 Samuel 21:10-14 June 8, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Jesus is Jehovah God John 5:16-23 June 1, 2014
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Loved Them to the End John 13:1 June 1, 2014
Individual Meditation
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Communion Meditation)
Broken Treaties 2 Samuel 21:1-9 May 25, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Last Seven Sayings May 25, 2014
Individual Meditation
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Communion Meditation)
Limited Civil Government 2 Samuel 20:23-26 May 18, 2014
Life of David
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)