Speaking Kindly to One Another
James 4:11-12 |
July 16, 2023
One Another |
Gary Duff
(Communion Meditation) |
Praying For and With One Another
James 5:13-18 |
April 2, 2023
One Another |
Gary Duff
(Communion Meditation) |
James 1:1-5:20 |
December 13, 2020
Bible Survey |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Where Do Wars and Fights Come From
James 4:1-10 |
December 6, 2020
Individual Meditation |
John Mayes
(Communion Meditation) |
Effective, Fervent Prayer
James 5:13-18 |
November 3, 2019
Individual Sermon |
Gary Duff
(Sermon) |
Draw Near to God
James 4:8 |
August 6, 2017
Individual Meditation |
Rodney Swab
(Communion Meditation) |
Deceived or Blessed
James 1:21-27 |
November 27, 2016
Assorted Sermons |
Gary Duff
(Sermon) |
Do Not Judge One Another
James 4:11 |
June 21, 2015
One Another |
Gary Duff
(Communion Meditation) |
The Risks of Love
James 5:13-18 |
November 9, 2014
Individual Sermon |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Confess and Pray
James 5:13-18 |
November 9, 2014
One Another |
Gary Duff
(Communion Meditation) |
Near to God
James 4:8 |
March 2, 2014
Individual Meditation |
Rodney Swab
(Communion Meditation) |
What is Required in the Ninth Commandment?
Exodus 20:16 |
October 28, 2012
Westminster Shorter Catechism |
Gary Duff
(Communion Meditation) |
Submit to God
James 4:4-10 |
October 17, 2010
Individual Sermon |
Rodney Swab
(Sermon) |
James the Brother of Jesus, Part 3
James 5:13-21 |
October 21, 2007
Acts |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Patient Endurance, Steadfast Hopefulness
James 5:7-11 |
August 14, 2005
Unsorted Sermons |
Glenn Durham
(Sermon) |
Restoring Backsliders
James 5:19-20 |
March 14, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
James 5:13-18 |
March 7, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Maturity in Patience
James 5:7-12 |
February 29, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Fattened for Slaughter
James 5:1-6 |
February 22, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Planning versus Presumption
James 4:13-17 |
February 15, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
The Life of True Repentance
James 4:7-10 |
February 1, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Conflict Management
James 4:1-12 |
January 25, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Wisdom Quotient
James 3:13-18 |
January 18, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Maturity in Speech
James 3:1-12 |
January 11, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Four Kinds of Justification
James 2:14-26 |
January 4, 2004
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Recognizing and Overcoming Prejudice, Part 2
James 2:1-13 |
December 14, 2003
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Recognizing and Overcoming Prejudice, Part 1
James 2:1-13 |
December 7, 2003
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
The Benefits of the Old Testament
James 1:21-27 |
November 30, 2003
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Overcoming Temptation, Part 3
James 1:12-17 |
November 23, 2003
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |
Overcoming Temptation, Part 2
James 1:12-17 |
November 16, 2003
James |
Phillip Kayser, PhD
(Sermon) |