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Book: Genesis (59), Exodus (52), Leviticus (6), Numbers (13), Deuteronomy (15), Joshua (66), Judges (3), Ruth (16), 1 Samuel (71), 2 Samuel (67), 1 Kings (9), 2 Kings (7), 1 Chronicles (8), 2 Chronicles (11), Ezra (2), Nehemiah (8), Esther (13), Job (7), Psalm (240), Proverbs (9), Ecclesiastes (14), Song of Solomon (2), Isaiah (51), Jeremiah (7), Lamentations (2), Ezekiel (5), Daniel (40), Hosea (2), Joel (2), Amos (3), Obadiah (2), Jonah (15), Micah (2), Nahum (2), Habakkuk (2), Zephaniah (5), Haggai (1), Zechariah (5), Malachi (4), Matthew (75), Mark (11), Luke (37), John (98), Acts (139), Romans (64), 1 Corinthians (35), 2 Corinthians (18), Galatians (35), Ephesians (51), Philippians (16), Colossians (36), 1 Thessalonians (12), 2 Thessalonians (8), 1 Timothy (12), 2 Timothy (16), Titus (24), Philemon (2), Hebrews (35), James (34), 1 Peter (26), 2 Peter (3), 1 John (6), 2 John (4), 3 John (4), Jude (6), Revelation (127).
Series: Psalm 34 (3), Attributes of God (7), Psalm 110 (2), 2 Timothy (2), Ten Commandments (27), 1 Peter (4), Servanthood (3), Romans (12), I Am's (10), Isaiah 53 (8), Psalms of Ascent (10), Joshua (60), Psalm 25 (12), Sanctity of Human Life (1), Names of God (2), Reformation Day (2), John 17 (13), Women of Faith (30), Palm Sunday (2), Psalm 37 (1), Spiritual Warfare (4), The Names of God (3), The Great War (1), Politics (1), The Greatest Sermon (4), Blessings and Benedictions (14), Passion Week (2), Stewardship (5), Five Points of Calvinism (6), Relational Wisdom (17), Marching Orders (5), Bible Survey (64), Hannah's Prayer (12), Short Stories (5), Blessings from Romans (3), Psalm 51 (17), Ruth (14), Nehemiah (7), Hall of Faith (5), Titus - Waging War (7), Isaiah 54 (4), Psalm 103 (16), Table Manners (7), Roles of Joshua (3), Advent (4), Minor Prophets (1), Psalm 111 (10), Family Roles (2), Foolishness of Faith (3), Heidelberg Catechism (2), Psalm 19 (9), Colossians (17), Final Admonitions (16), Revelation (118), Evangelical Controversies on Passion Week (3), One Another (40), In the Wilderness (18), Five Reformation Solas (5), Psalm 34 (17), Psalm 23 (12), Ecclesiastes (11), Jonah (12), Living for God (3), John 15 (6), Psalms (3), Christian Materialism (7), Comunion Meditation (3), Psalm 32 (19), Psalm 37 (25), Individual Meditation (184), Westminster Shorter Catechism (41), Life of David (131), Individual Sermon (165), Evangelism (7), Assorted Sermons (28), Jesus in Genesis (15), Galatians (17), Beatitudes (9), Acts (133), Unsorted Sermons (162), Heaven & Hell (2), Resurrection Day Sermons (7), The Trinity (5), Titus (12), Ministry Expansion (6), Sanctification (3), James (18), Foundations (30), Esther (12), Developing a Healthy Conscience (4), Christian and Prosperity (22), Daniel (36), 2 Thessalonians (4).
Service: Sermon (1142), Communion Meditation (714).
Date: 1970 (12), 1996 (4), 1997 (29), 1998 (4), 2001 (20), 2002 (21), 2003 (38), 2004 (35), 2005 (50), 2006 (42), 2007 (53), 2008 (51), 2009 (51), 2010 (83), 2011 (97), 2012 (102), 2013 (93), 2014 (102), 2015 (100), 2016 (102), 2017 (104), 2018 (103), 2019 (102), 2020 (96), 2021 (103), 2022 (103), 2023 (104), 2024 (52)

Sermons (1856) — Filtered RSS feed

Ministering Deeply to One Another Romans 12:9-16 June 19, 2022
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Taught and Turned Psalm 25:8-17 June 19, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Worry Warts Matthew 6:19-34 June 12, 2022
Individual Sermon
Gary Duff (Sermon)
The Kindness of Christ Titus 3:1-8 June 12, 2022
Individual Meditation
John Mayes (Communion Meditation)
Biblical Leadership Principles, Part 2 Joshua 1:1-9 June 5, 2022
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Showing His Covenant Psalm 25:14-15 June 5, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Long Life in the Land Deuteronomy 5:31-33 May 29, 2022
Individual Sermon
Ray Simmons (Sermon)
Jesus Our Intercessor Hebrews 7:25 May 29, 2022
Individual Meditation
Daniel Noor (Communion Meditation)
End of the Beginning Genesis 50:22-26 May 22, 2022
Individual Sermon
Michael Elliott (Sermon)
I Cried To the Lord Psalm 120:1-7 May 22, 2022
Psalms of Ascent
Jarrod Ridge (Communion Meditation)
Biblical Leadership Principles, Part 1 Joshua 1:1-9 May 15, 2022
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Humility and the Fear of the Lord Psalm 25:12-13 May 15, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Seven Inescapable Concepts Joshua 1:1-9 May 8, 2022
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Paths of Mercy and Truth Psalm 25:10-11 May 8, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Stirring the Nest Deuteronomy 32:11 May 1, 2022
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
The Appearance of Grace Titus 2:11 May 1, 2022
Assorted Sermons
John Mayes (Communion Meditation)
Perspectives on Medical Ethics 1 Corinthians 10:23-33 April 24, 2022
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Show Me, Lead Me, Teach Me Psalm 25:8-9 April 24, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Remember the Resurrection 2 Timothy 2:8 April 17, 2022
Passion Week
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Remembering God's Character Psalm 25:6-7 April 17, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Don't Let a Donkey Outdo You Mark 11:1-11 April 10, 2022
Palm Sunday
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Fruits of Humility Psalm 131:1-3 April 10, 2022
Individual Meditation
Jarrod Ridge (Communion Meditation)
Upping Your Blessings Psalm 128:1-6 April 3, 2022
Individual Sermon
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Show Me your Ways Psalm 25:4-5 April 3, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Sarah 1 Peter 3:1-7 March 27, 2022
Women of Faith
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
Not Ashamed Psalm 25:3 March 27, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Tabitha/Dorcas Acts 9:36-43 March 20, 2022
Women of Faith
Phillip Kayser, PhD (Sermon)
I Lift Up My Soul Psalm 25:1-2 March 20, 2022
Psalm 25
Gary Duff (Communion Meditation)
Let the Nations Be Glad Psalm 67:1-7 March 13, 2022
Daniel Noor (Sermon)
Hear the Prophet Deuteronomy 18:15 March 13, 2022
Individual Meditation
Ray Simmons (Communion Meditation)